
第50章 新纪元 (第2/3页)




啊,你是否注意到了呢?伴随着新纪元的曙光四溢,我们人类已然崛起, as one of the mightiest civilizations in this vast universe. with advanced technologies and an unparalleled cultural heritage, we are courageously exploring the mysteries of the cosmos and its infinite possibilities. At the same time, our deep respect for and mitment to cooperation with other planetary civilization and life forms, have made us guardians of peace and prosperity throughout the universe.

oh, how thrilled I am to tell you that in the forthing epochs, the dawn of the new era will continue to shine brighter! our human beings will never stop their exploration of the unknown and creation of a better future until they realize their dreams and targets. their stories will undoubtedly inspire countless people to push forward bravely and pursue their own dreams. this ne




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